faces of hope

I named this photo painting after the fantasy painting…the title should point not at the outward form of my artwork, but the origins of the image, so to speak, the ultimate goal of meeting with oneself eye to eye. Just click the link on above. If to judge outwardly, that may sound strangely, because fantasy painting deal with the heroes, meanwhile the ordinary pick of the flowers look at us from the picture here. Yet I hope you will succeed to breakthrough the flat surface of this creative work and will hear the chatter of the colors. Yes, I am alive. So let my pictures talk. Do you hear the faces of hope?

Author: Tomas Karkalas

The depth of the steps left in life is determined by love for each other. Spiritual healing begins with self-recognition in the next.

5 thoughts on “faces of hope”

  1. This is wonderful stuff – I really like the title here, as it changes the way you see it. I will definitely be following the blog!
