the spirit of adventure

The stranger’s search for the beauty stopped all misunderstandings and honored us both.

digital painting the spirit of adventure by Tomas Karkalas
digital painting the spirit of adventure by Tomas Karkalas
the spirit of adventure.

Tall tree was growing in my backyard; I was young too, but became a bald at the window. The tree has changed likewise. A stump fits in my eye-shot now.
I and the tree kept eye-to-eye contact for a long but didn’t reach an intimacy because many other windows gazed at us and each looked from its own perspective, so a bad–mouthing colored the sky.
But the confusion didn’t last for a long. Somebody crowed the stump: put a vase of the flowers on it. The stranger’s search for the beauty stopped all misunderstandings and honored us both.
Wow! It is good to live in an apartment house: many people dream in the windows here. The sense of togetherness creates the peace in the thundering town, inflames with the want to create. I joyfully scrape the potatoes for to cook something to eat.

“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” ~ Aristotle

Images created by Lithuanian artist Tomas Karkalas

Author: Tomas Karkalas

The depth of the steps left in life is determined by love for each other. Spiritual healing begins with self-recognition in the next.

8 thoughts on “the spirit of adventure”

  1. Your artwork shows me more as I watch. I had a look at your transformational art slideshow, and will come back again to watch the whole thing. I got to slide 19 and I like your art very much. The music is also calming and peaceful, which I needed most before sleep. Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork!


  2. Wise words from Aristoteles.I think I have found the second Bodie that fits to mine ,the near future will tell.Your Artwork fits very well the subject of your post.


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