gratitude list

digital photo painting by Tomas Karkalas
sweet autumn - Tomas Karkalas 2010

The gratitude list is not headcount of things we are grateful for but personal approach to life . That’s like the  fairy shoes that transfer irritating puddles on our road into th inspiring reflections that refresh the weary body and make a move.  Such way Art by Tomas appear and digital paintings knock on the heart.

silent witness

photo paintingPhoto painting Silent Witness showcases what remains when the  shame to complain about the hardships of personal being offers to look around once again… You may read that story in more detail on Sunbeam Riders or check out my Shield of Smile

Driven by a Dream

photo painting

When it seems that is the end, painting awakes the smile. Art colors have just magical power to pick up the sunbeam from underfoot. That’s the miracle of art therapy.  Driven by a Dream welcomes you – calls to recognize the fairy tale and to spread the message.