miracle of the love

We all have heard a story “7 Wonders of the World” steen thousand times.
However, let’s look at it once more.
The miracle is not a success to master something extraordinary, but the human capacities to see, to hear, to touch, to taste, to feel, to laugh and to love.
In other words, the miracles differ between judging by appearances, but our spirit blossoms the same as at near Egypt’s Great Pyramids so in St. Peter;s Basilica or on China’s Great Wall.
The failure to discern that produces a mess and puts us in despair. That’s why there are just 7 Wonders, while they should be recognized in every single our step

whishpering of art colors

… the depth of our steps is defined by our love to other

My blog Candleday was featured by windiepink – artists of the seven
You may click above and read these lovely words. However, let me share my reply.

Dear Tiandra,
Your lovely words deeply touched me. Thank you . However, not my colors but YOUR ATTIDUDE is the treasure you are talking about. My artworks are just a reflection of the glorious radiation of the Divine Spirit who flows through us when we trust in God and recognize ourselves in the eyes of each other.
That’s the news that cries for sharing with all.
Thank you for the help to do that.

wow, I’m alive till now

At a beach, sea kisses fine sand and the bare feet seal a story about the beauty of our footprints … The nature creates the metaphors that are incredible rich with insights into the mystery of our inner world that shapes everything we see or handle.
There is just one problem. The waves hide our footprints, and just one question remains:
was it my choice?