2013 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about 140,000 times in 2013. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 6 days for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

Self-portrait In disguise as a flower

the dictionary closes the truth with an irony that stops and questions – demands the response. So I am digging into my artistic archives for the relevant (heartfelt) information

digital painting Self-portrait In disguise as a flower/Tomas Karkalas
Self-portrait In disguise as a flower / Tomas Karkalas

I like to read in a foreign language – the dictionary always inspires, expands the horizons. So I have encountered the phrase the “weak vessel“. What was that ? …
Wow! My Lithuanian-English dictionary talks about me! And it perfectly describes the “beauty“ of the “invisible disabilities‘ : the dictionary closes the truth with an irony that stops and questions – demands the response. So I am digging into my artistic archives for the relevant (heartfelt) information (for example, see the Lullaby of the archives) The questions multiply, They say the real strength is ability to laugh at oneself. Then the silence expresses the failure. What is the wisdom then? My posts or your responses?

lullaby of the archives

digital painting dreams had dawned to web by Tomas Karkalas
dreams had dawned to web by Tomas Karkalas

The wish to share the heart is not it’s sharing out of itself. A dream demands two-way action, yet it was not in vain in my case. Wish of sharing enabled me to open the archives and thus to remind “sad portrait” on above…There were lots of yellow sand and the amber seashore – my footprints were everywhere there… Was and were – past tense is a key to the sadness of the yellow portrait, the situation comprehension  points to the way out of the current mess and thus makes the tears into the lullaby worthy the sharing.

unvarnished truth

son's photo Our Family
Mūsų šeima / My family

Daily Moments With God
The presence of God. Presence is defined as being the immediate vicinity of something or someone. It means to be in attendance or to detect someone or something in a place at a particular time. The presence of God.

In all that you do … recognize the presence of God. So often we say we desire God’s presence but what we have to understand is God is always present. He said that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He said He is always with us. So it is not about desiring His presence … it is about recognizing and acknowledging His presence.

The whole point behind recognizing and acknowledging things is so that you can follow it up with an action. It does no good to know a thing and not do what you “know” you are to do. That being said …. When we know that God is always present …. let’s do what we know we need to do to acknowledge His presence. Let’s worship Him.

The archives and cracks

the illusion of the sally / Tomas Karkalas
the illusion of the sally / Tomas Karkalas

The archives and cracks look inseparable till we ask “why?” Thus the picture revealed the earlier hidden truth – the past never was free from the current emotions. Was that the prophetical feature?
In other words, well-built oaks catch the eyes, yet the stumps mesmerize us with their humbleness to serve us as the bearers of the heavenly reflection.  What do you think?


how much is the love

David McCullough Jr. says, “Climb the mountains not to see the world, but to see the world.” This thought perfectly explains my desire to write a blog and read your comments. It is my desire to know myself and my the   surrounding.